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Digital Courses

Meditations and Music

Chosen - Music

Blues and jazz music from Cynthia James

Purchase via your favorite streaming service



Does My Voice Matter

Available via Amazon - Paperback, Kindle


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Complimentary Advanced Awareness Courses & Ebooks

5Ts of Leadership

5-part email series for leaders. Trust, transition, truth telling, training and tenacity. Sign up for this daily program.


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5 Ways To Play Bigger

This complimentary training will push you to play BIG in your life! 

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Considering becoming a Freedom Coach?

Here are 5 Steps to Being a Successful Freedom Coach. Where do you need assistance?


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 7 Steps of Freedom

This one time e-book download walks you through simple guidelines to assist in expressing the life you are here to live!


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5 T's For Successful Living with Purpose

Start your journey towards finding your purpose with this guide from Cynthia James.

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16 Tools For Transforming Your Life

This ebook is full of great tools and tips to help transform your life to one you are seeking. 

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3 Obstacles to Your Magnificent Life

This ebook co-written wit Jean Hendry will give you insight into obstacles that may keep you stuck in life. 

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Build Your Business & They Will Come.

This e-book is a collection of stories from women in business. 

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Coaching Packages

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Freedom Coach Training